2.6. Use Sparkle for algorithm selection with multi-file instances

2.6.1. Initialise the Sparkle platform


2.6.2. Add instances

Add instance files in a given directory, without running solvers or feature extractors yet. In addition to the instance files, the directory should contain a file sparkle_instance_list.txt where each line contains a space separated list of files that together form an instance.

Commands/add_instances.py Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG/

2.6.3. Add solvers

Add solvers (here for the constrained covering array generation (CCAG) problem) with a wrapper containing the executable name of the solver and a string of command line parameters, without running the solvers yet

Each solver directory should contain the solver executable and a wrapper

Commands/add_solver.py --deterministic 0 Examples/Resources/CCAG/Solvers/TCA/

Commands/add_solver.py --deterministic 0 Examples/Resources/CCAG/Solvers/FastCA/

2.6.4. Add feature extractor

Similarly, add a feature extractor, without immediately running it on the instances

Commands/add_feature_extractor.py Examples/Resources/CCAG/Extractors/CCAG-features_sparkle/

2.6.5. Compute features

Compute features for all the instances; add the --parallel option to run in parallel


2.6.6. Run the solvers

Run the solvers on all instances; add the --parallel option to run in parallel. For the CCAG (Constrained Covering Array Generation) problem we measure the absolute quality performance by setting the --performance-measure option, to avoid needing this for every command it can also be set in Settings/sparkle_settings.ini.

Commands/run_solvers.py --performance-measure QUALITY_ABSOLUTE

2.6.7. Construct a portfolio selector

To make sure feature computation and solver performance computation are done before constructing the portfolio use the sparkle_wait command


Construct a portfolio selector, using the previously computed features and the results of running the solvers. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

Commands/construct_sparkle_portfolio_selector.py --performance-measure QUALITY_ABSOLUTE

2.6.8. [Coming soon] Generate a report

This is not yet implemented for quality performance

Generate an experimental report detailing the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located at Components/Sparkle-latex-generator/Sparkle_Report.pdf. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

Commands/generate_report.py --performance-measure QUALITY_ABSOLUTE

2.6.9. [Coming soon] Run the portfolio selector (e.g. on the test set)

This is not yet implemented for quality performance

This is not yet implemented for multi-file instances Run on a single instance

Run the portfolio selector on a single testing instance; the result will be printed to the command line. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

Commands/run_sparkle_portfolio_selector.py Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG2/Banking2.model Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG2/Banking2.constraints --performance-measure QUALITY_ABSOLUTE Run on an instance set

Run the portfolio selector on a testing instance set. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

Commands/run_sparkle_portfolio_selector.py Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG2/ --performance-measure QUALITY_ABSOLUTE

2.6.10. Generate a report including results on the test set

Wait for the portfolio selector to be done running on the testing instance set


Generate an experimental report that includes the results on the test set, and as before the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located at Components/Sparkle-latex-generator/Sparkle_Report_For_Test.pdf. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

Commands/generate_report.py --performance-measure QUALITY_ABSOLUTE

By default the generate_report command will create a report for the most recent instance set. To generate a report for an older instance set, the desired instance set can be specified with: --test-case-directory Test_Cases/CCAG2/